Jade Alyse Writes

Hang in there...it's coming!

Hi Friends!

I hope you all had a safe and wonderful holiday season. I can't believe that it's over. Between you and me, I'm kind of sad about it. But let's move on to why I'm really posting this. 

Copyright ©2016 Jade Alyse Writes

I know that I've said numerous times that my book, The Great Trees Fall is on its way. I've received a number of emails from readers, wanting to know when the book will be released. Trust me when I say that I want to know the end of Brandon and Natalie's tale as much as you!

I present this photo to let you know that I'm compiling, typing, designing, typing some more, compiling some more, and designing some more [feverishly]. 

The hardest part of composing this whole trilogy has been ensuring that everything is cohesive. For those who have been following me from the start, they've seen my writing (and storytelling ability) evolve and mature over time. 

I feel like I'm starting to ramble, so just let me finish this post by saying again: THANK YOU for sticking with me. 

I feel like we're reaching the end of the road. 

Hopefully my next post will reveal the true and final release date.

Happy New Year to all!

Sincerely yours, 

Jade Alyse