Jade Alyse Writes

An update

Sometimes the fastest way isn’t always the best way. Sometimes the best things in life take a while.  

– Emily Beth


Hi all! It’s summertime, and what goes great with summertime? Reading a good book. Which is why I’m assuming there has been an upsurge of inquiries about The Great Trees Fall in the past few weeks. As you may have noticed, the book has not been released yet.

I appreciate your eagerness to know when the book will be released. As I’ve remarked numerous times before, you’ll know as soon as I do!

As I’ve grown up over the past couple of years since  Skin Like Dawn, so has my responsibilities in life as an adult. Adulting things like family (had a death in my family very recently), work, graduate school, and planning my wedding have taken precedence.

That doesn’t, however, mean that I’ve forgotten about dear ol’ Brandon and Natalie, nor have I stopped writing their story. I’ve just been busy working on mine!

Again, I sincerely appreciate your patience. The day that I announce a release date will be a great day, I know. But, in the meantime, have a little faith, and enjoy another book!


Jade Alyse