Jade Alyse Writes

Hang in there...it's coming!

Hi Friends!

I hope you all had a safe and wonderful holiday season. I can't believe that it's over. Between you and me, I'm kind of sad about it. But let's move on to why I'm really posting this. 

Copyright ©2016 Jade Alyse Writes

I know that I've said numerous times that my book, The Great Trees Fall is on its way. I've received a number of emails from readers, wanting to know when the book will be released. Trust me when I say that I want to know the end of Brandon and Natalie's tale as much as you!

I present this photo to let you know that I'm compiling, typing, designing, typing some more, compiling some more, and designing some more [feverishly]. 

The hardest part of composing this whole trilogy has been ensuring that everything is cohesive. For those who have been following me from the start, they've seen my writing (and storytelling ability) evolve and mature over time. 

I feel like I'm starting to ramble, so just let me finish this post by saying again: THANK YOU for sticking with me. 

I feel like we're reaching the end of the road. 

Hopefully my next post will reveal the true and final release date.

Happy New Year to all!

Sincerely yours, 

Jade Alyse

Update: The Great Trees Fall - Release Date TBD

Its better to be a ‘Turtle’ who walks patiently and enjoys every step of the way, Rather than to be a ‘Rabbit’ who runs fast but missing every details in life...

Dear Lovely Readers: 

As you may have guessed it, my book, The Great Trees Fall (do you remember it?) won't be coming out on March 9th, as promised. To keep it short, sweet, and excuse-free, I'll release the book as I feel comfortable to do so. I sincerely thank you all for sticking with me, and hope, upon actual release, that you'll still be interested in reading. 

Will it be released this year? Absolutely. But pinpointing a time and date is difficult at this time. 

In the meantime, of course, read the preview linked below, and let me know what you think!

Just a Couple of Quick Updates for Eager Readers

Hello Readers,

I know that it's chilly where you are, and you're looking for a nice book to snuggle up with.

Sound about right? I figured.

I've received a couple of messages on my Facebook page, asking me when my next book The Great Trees Fall will be released, and if it will be released sooner than March 9th (yes, that March 9th in 2015). I would love to say that the book was ready for release now, but it isn't, and I sincerely appreciate everyone's patience as I finalize this project.  Believe or not, March will be here in the blink of an eye.

Think about it this way: the holidays are here and the end of the year is right around the corner.

With that being said, I want to thank each and every one of you who've reached out to me expressing your anticipation for the next book. I'm just as excited as you are!

March 9, 2015, is still the release date for the book, and I don't expect it to change. 


In the meantime, I'll be sure to post another snippet, and if you have any questions or concerns, please, do not hesitate to reach out to me. I'll try to get to your inquiry as soon as humanly possible.

Much love,

Jade Alyse