Jade Alyse Writes

Reminds me of a dream I had last night: Because I Love You Last Night - e.e. cummings

because i love you)last night  

clothed in sealace

appeared to me

your mind drifting

with chuckling rubbish

of pearl weed coral and stones;

lifted,and(before my

eyes sinking)inward,fled;softly

your face smile breasts gargled

by death:drowned only

again carefully through deepness to rise

these your wrists

thighs feet hands


to again utterly disappear;

rushing gently swiftly creeping

through my dreams last

night,all of your

body with its spirit floated

(clothed only in

the tide's acute weaving murmur

In honor of Valentine's Day, here is one of my favorite poems by Pablo Neruda - "Here I Love You"

Here I love you.In the dark pines the wind disentangles itself. The moon glows like phosphorous on the vagrant waters. Days, all one kind, go chasing each other.

The snow unfurls in dancing figures. A silver gull slips down from the west. Sometimes a sail. High, high stars.

Oh the black cross of a ship. Alone. Sometimes I get up early and even my soul is wet. Far away the sea sounds and resounds. This is a port. Here I love you. Here I love you and the horizon hides you in vain. I love you still among these cold things. Sometimes my kisses go on those heavy vessels that cross the sea towards no arrival. I see myself forgotten like those old anchors. The piers sadden when the afternoon moors there. My life grows tired, hungry to no purpose. I love what I do not have. You are so far. My loathing wrestles with the slow twilights. But night comes and starts to sing to me.

The moon turns its clockwork dream. The biggest stars look at me with your eyes. And as I love you, the pines in the wind want to sing your name with their leaves of wire.